Thursday, March 4, 2010

Renovation station

Just as I was loving my awesome new focus clipboard and my new lists and my overall organization, we decided it would be super fun to renovate our basement. We actually decided a while ago that we would use our tax return to finally finish our basement, which has been a work in progress since we moved in nearly 5 years ago. We just weren't sure when, exactly, each piece would fall into place. Two Saturdays ago my mom and dad came over and put all of the electrical in place in the soon-to-be guest room. We had already done the other rooms as parts of previous projects. Last week, we had the drywallers in. I was actually able to keep on task during that time because the kids' play room had already been done a couple years ago (still no carpet) so they were able to play and we didn't have to move any of their stuff. On Sunday, we had to move everything out of every room to prepare for painting and carpet. So, all of the kids toys and shelving, all of the crap we used to keep in the spare room, our TV and other electronics from the family room are now occupying our living room, office, and bedrooms. In short, this place is a mess and I don't even know where half our stuff is. As I type, there is a man in our basement installing the carpet. I keep watching the clock, peeking downstairs, pacing. I am itching to put everything back where it belongs. I can not live in this disorder any longer! Needless to say, school took a back seat this week. But, the kids have been doing crafts like crazy. I've just been leaving all of the supplies out and they dig in.

I am comforted by that fact that the disorder in the house has effected my children as well (because I know I am not the only one). Shannon and Chloe have been at each others throats. I am trying so hard to teach them loving and effective ways to sort out their conflicts. They are very good at asking forgiveness so we've got that going for us. And Shannon does not do well with change. We have all heard that kids crave consistency, but him even more so. He is so lost right now. He spent the first few days pointing out, over and over, all of the things that were out of place.

I have realized over the years that I become visually overstimulated very easily. For instance, when the living room is cluttered and the kids run through, tripping on stuff, I can feel my heart beating faster and faster and I feel as though I may blow. Also, I crave light. Sitting in a dimly lit room is possibly the must unnerving thing in the world. Great, now everyone knows I'm a spaz. My point is, this renovation is really taking a toll. I just feel out of whack (is that a medical term?) and nervous. What is truly exhausting, is having to hold Athena all the time. There are very few safe places for a baby to roam right now. Okay enough of my wining! When it's all over our basement will be beautiful, the kids will finally have a finished playroom, our family room will actually be a place the family wants to be, and we'll have a comfortable place for guests to sleep (when we get a bed that is).

My plan is to do a bit of school this weekend while Stacey is at guard. I think my folks may come over to help me with some finishing touches on the basement but other than that, we don't have any plans. We did get to go on some adventures this week as an attempt to stay away from my stressful house so I'll put those in our notebook this week.

Posts to come:
Review of virtual conference sessions
Notebook: Week of 3/1/10
Lenten update
Pictures of awesome basement!


  1. I am wanting you to post about your new coupon hobby - so I can become obsessed with it too.

  2. ooooooo, I've been meaning to do that too. Thanks for reminding me.


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