Monday, March 8, 2010

Notebook: Week of 3/1

Wow! This week was a little crazy. While our house was turned upside down for the basement renovation, we tried to do as many out of the house activites as possible. And, as many home educating moms know, even when we take a week off from formal schooling, the kids just keep learning despite my greatest effort to mess it up.

On Monday the kids spent ther entire day with Granny (my dad's mom) while I stayed home and painted. Oh. My. Gosh. I was soooooo sore. But the kids had a blast. They love being with their Granny.

On Tuesday we went to Alton's to get our brakes, which have been grinding for a few weeks now, done. I knew it would take a little while but when we were quoted 3 hours, I must admit I was in a bit of a panic. But we actually enjoyed ourselves quite a bit. Luckily, I had prepared and brought the stroller and hats and gloves. We walked over to Jack in the Box and had lunch and then walked to Starbucks for some hot cocoa. Then we walked over to Walmart and Shannon and Chloe helped me look at possible birthday gifts for Athena's big First Birthday coming up in April. After we picked the car up, we went to the park to further enjoy the nice weather. After dinner we were off to gymnastics where Shannon showed the signs of sensory wackiness. I call it "crazy eyes" when I talk to his occupational therapist. I'm not really sure what triggered this episode but I can guess he was over stimulated by the day's events. He tried to get the sensory input he needed to calm himself by throwing himself onto the mats and rolling on the floor. I knew right away what was happening and eventually, like 2 hours later, he was able to settle down.

Wednesday morning we were off to Occupational Therapy. And then I spent the day returning e-mails for Engaged Encounter and preparing to teach childbirth ed for Catholic Charities. The kids played outside and watched a few movies on my laptop.

Thursday was the big carpet install. After the installer left, the kids were so excited to run around the basement. We spent the rest of the day putting some of the toys downstairs and getting some things back where they belong.

Friday we went to our home school group.  The group decided to have the kids do some sort of presentation related to Lent. Shannon and Chloe brought their rosaries and told the group how they pray with Daddy every night. And they recited the Hail Mary as well. Super cute.

Throughout the days and nights, the kids would often open up their 100 Lessons book and read words to each other. They would also ask me how to spell things or play with the magnetic letters on the fridge. We still did our reading at bedtime and math is just unavoidable in everyday life so that was taken care of. And we recited our poetry throughout the week as well. I felt pretty bad about taking yet another week off from school but now that I've reflected on our past week, I realize we did a lot more than I thought. 

I was also off my game a little bit last week because Athena started having a lot of trouble sleeping starting Wednesday night. I finally took her in to the doc today and she has an ear infection and the infant equivalent of a sinus infection. -sigh- The poor thing. So we got her on some antibiotics and she's on the road to recovery. And I am really looking forward to getting a decent night of rest before we hit the grind tomorrow.

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