Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Homeschool Conference

I have been "attending" a virtual homeschool conference this week and it is pretty awesome so far. It is called Heart of the Matter: Winter Home school Refresher Conference. A few weeks ago I signed up to receive a free issue of Home Educating Family Magazine and ever since, I have been getting various e-mails from them recommending this or that. I get a lot of ads everyday so I don't look at everything but this conference caught my eye. I think the ad started something like, "Are you suffering from February home school burnout?" AM I????!!! Man, they really knew how to peek my interest. So I log on with Go To Meeting everyday, whenever I can, and listen to different speakers. And if I miss anything, they will e-mail me a link to the MP3 of each session on March 5th. It's nice to hear them live, though, because some of the speakers have powerpoints as well. Can you believe the technology today? The only bummer is, it begins each day at 9:30am EST. 6:30am PST?! So, I miss the first speaker everyday for sure and then the next one begins at 8am so I've been catching most of that. When the conference is over on Thursday, I'll probably do a review of my favorite speakers. Stay tuned . . .

So, now that I am using my new awesome Focus Clipboard with fancy checklists and committing to my new discipline, not only have I been able to listen to most of the conference sessions live but I also took my kids to the park today and did not miss anything on my list. Two weeks ago, I couldn't get anything done and I didn't even have anything extra going on. It's so stinkin' exciting! Speaking of the park, 50 degrees with no sun and some wind is still too cold to go to the park. But the kids were being so awesome these past two days while I have been trying to catch these conference sessions and they wanted to go so bad, I just couldn't refuse. So here they are, living it up, while I froze:

On the plus side, this was Athena's first time on a park swing and she was laughing her cute little head off.

One more thing: it is so nifty that Stacey and I are reading the same Lenten reflections everyday. Just this evening he initiated a discussion about today's reflection. Unfortunately, I read mine at night and he does his in the morning so I didn't know what he was talking about but still, it's pretty cool.


  1. I love it! And how cool am I that I get to be the first to comment on your blog?

    I am going to link to your blog from mine so our blogs can be friends too.

    I look forward to reading more of what you have to say. I am so glad you started this.

  2. Ive been thinking about homeschooling myself. Zeke is only 1 and a half so I've got a while to think about it but Im surely going to follow along with your blog to see how you do it. My main worry is just plain overwhelment with the idea so maybe watching you will give me courage and ideas.

  3. Sweet, Courtney, glad you found me. I just read your birth story. Awesome!!! So glad it all went well. My home birth experience was pretty sweet. Can't wait to have #4, although I will wait . . . at least another year.


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